Product Description
Years after taking Stilwater for their own, the Third Street Saints have evolved from street gang to household brand name, with Saints sneakers, Saints energy drinks and Johnny Gat bobble head dolls all available at a store near you. The Saints are kings of Stilwater, but their celebrity status has not gone unnoticed. The Syndicate, a legendary criminal fraternity with pawns in play all over the globe, has turned its eye on the Saints and demands tribute. Product Description
They stirred up the streets of Stilwater and became the new kings of the town. Now, the city of Steelport is about to get rusted when the Saints take the fight to the Syndicates' turf for the biggest, most outlandish chapter in this epic gang war to date.

Rejoin the ranks of the most unholy Saints around as you return to the Row to experience gang life, post-fame. Kids are kicking around in Saints sneakers, tough-guy hopefuls are slurping Saints energy drinks and storeowners are proudly displaying Johnny Gat bobble heads on their top shelves. Celebrity status has hit — but will the Saints survive their newfound glory unscathed?
In Saints Row: The Third, fame and fortune come at a bittersweet price for the kings of Stilwater. Faced with serious demands from the legendary criminal fraternity, the Syndicate, the Saints must hit the streets of Steelport to trample their new rivals — and defend their status. Get ready for intense action, grueling gang violence and outlandish situations to spare as you take on a decaying city of sin in an all-new battle with the Saints. Buckle up and take a massive tank on a wild ride — through the sky. Duke it out against trained military forces and call in a strategic airstrike on a Mexican wrestling gang. With grit and guts galore, you and your gang will never kneel to an enemy. After all, just because you're a Saint doesn't mean you have to behave.
Key Features:
- Return to the streets of Stilwater and discover how fame and fortune as the kings of the town has affected the Saints — for the better and for the worse
- Take the fight to Steelport, a struggling city of sin where you must battle it out with the dangerous Syndicate gang
- Get some serious air while driving a massive tank — right through the sky
- Take on a Mexican wrestling gang in a satellite-targeted airstrike
- Defend yourself against a highly trained military force in an incredibly outlandish scenario
- Return to the streets of Stilwater and discover how fame and fortune as the kings of the town has affected the Saints ? for the better and for the worse
- Take the fight to Steelport, a struggling city of sin where you must battle it out with the dangerous Syndicate gang
- Get some serious air while driving a massive tank ? right through the sky
- Take on a Mexican wrestling gang in a satellite-targeted airstrike
- Defend yourself against a highly trained military force in an incredibly outlandish scenario
Saint's Row: The Third Reviews
Saint's Row: The Third Reviews
63 of 71 people found the following review helpful By = Fun: Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Saint's Row: The Third (Video Game) The best way to describe the Saint's Row series is if the developer's took a look at GTA: San Andreas and said "okay, that's great, but let's try for 40% more wacky" - and each iteration thereafter was just that much more absurd than the last. This is a good thing. GTAIV went the more serious route with a deep, compelling crime drama and a protagonist battling his inner demons... Saint's Row had you go into ragdoll mode to commit insurance fraud. It's a nice duality for this console generation.Anyway, enough history as I'm sure since you're onto the third edition that you have some idea what the game is about. If you enjoyed Saint's Row 2, you're going to enjoy this game. There are some really, really weird new weapons (anything having to do with Professor Genki really), a new city to wander around, a lot more character customization, and just a lot of silly crap. The actual gameplay itself is an upgrade to Saint's Row 2. Everything feels pretty tight, the... Read more 43 of 49 people found the following review helpful By = Fun: Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Saint's Row: The Third (Video Game) This game is a lot of fun, no complicated setup or long hours of training to get good at playing. You'll have fun from the moment the game begins.Overall Rating : 4 out of 5 Stars The game, while targeted at "adult" males, is a lot of fun if you don't get bogged down the the details of killing hundreds of law enforcement officers and hookers. The game is meant to just be fun, not commentary on modern society or a discussion on politics. Start blasting everything, exploring the city, and grabbing some cash. Graphics: 5 out of 5 stars The graphics are great, with a lot of detail down to litter on the streets, various people walking down the street, and a random selection of vehicles traveling down the roads for you to admire and steal. There is also a great deal of detail allowed on your character, including clothes you can select, tattoo variants, etc. Missions: 4 out of 5 stars The missions span a wide range of types,... Read more 25 of 31 people found the following review helpful By = Fun: This review is from: Saint's Row: The Third (Video Game) The Saint's Row series has always had a special place in my heart. So many hours of my childhood were wasted taking turns with my best friend acting a fool in the initial entry, and countless nights devoid of rest were spent pimping my character and buying up property in 2008's excellent sequel. Starting off as a Grand Theft Auto clone and soon forming it's own unique voice in the industry, Volition's franchise has morphed into a carnival of everything you've ever wanted to do in a game, but were too afraid to say aloud. With "Saint's Row: The Third", all of these things have crashed to form what may be the craziest game you'll play all year.Picking up a while after "Saint's Row 2", "The Third" finds the Third Street Saints transformed into a brand, one that is slapped on everything from bobbleheads to energy drinks. Every single one of their exploits is a media circus, and the first mission of the game takes place during a particularly crazy heist. This heist involved... Read more |
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