Product Description
Satie pz44 pro flight yoke system.
- POV Hat, 14 button controls, and 3-position mode switch
- Stainless steel yoke shaft and 2-position clamp
- Comes with separate three axis lever throttle
- Integrated 3-port USB 2.0 Hub
- Ships in Certified Frustration-Free Packaging
- Integrated 3-port USB 20 Hub
- XP, Vista and Windows 7 compatible
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke with Three-Lever Throttle (PZ44) Reviews
Saitek Pro Flight Yoke with Three-Lever Throttle (PZ44) Reviews
111 of 114 people found the following review helpful This review is from: Saitek Pro Flight Yoke with Three-Lever Throttle (PZ44) (Personal Computers) Well I just did some research on this yoke and discovered that Sietek has resolved the phantom keystroke issue. New replacement units are shipping to all US distributers. If you happen to have a defective unit, per a post on Sietek's forum, owners are to call 310-972-9930 for return/replacement instructions. I am going to order one myself but am not sure if Amozon has the new units yet. Sietec refused to post a current serial number of the defective lot but a person on the forums said that he just got his and is working flawlessly with a serial number of SZ005111624. This person with a "good" unit purchased his thru Newegg in CA.Well I am going to place my order now and I will post an update when I get it up and running. UPDATE: I recieved the yoke and pedals three days ago and after spending an hour or so configuring the unit I fired it up. The SN# I recieved was 00492657 a call to tech support assured me that I had a unit that had the phathom key stroke... Read more 48 of 48 people found the following review helpful By RV_Pilot "anotherrvpilot" (California) - See all my reviews This review is from: Saitek Pro Flight Yoke with Three-Lever Throttle (PZ44) (Personal Computers) To start with, I wish I had purchased this setup much earlier. It feels so good and delivers such rock solid performance that I cannot imagine flying the civilian aircraft in FSX without it. If you want the C-172 to become as compelling as the P51 in your control, then this is the setup you'll want.But I vacillated on this purchase for some time before buying it due to all the reviews reporting phantom key presses. I didn't want to order something I'd likely have to return or exchange. Although I love flying with my CH Fighterstick , Pro Throttle and Rudders when flying warplanes or helicopters, I always felt like I was missing out on the joy of civilian flight simulation when using a stick instead of a yoke. So I finally mustered up the courage to order the Saitek Yoke in spite of the many poor reviews while holding my breath on the "pkp" issue. By the time I got mine, I had thoroughly familiarized myself with the scope of the phantom key press problem and... Read more 57 of 60 people found the following review helpful Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Saitek Pro Flight Yoke with Three-Lever Throttle (PZ44) (Personal Computers) Purchased the yoke, additional throttle and pedals. Pitch axis is a touch too tight, but other than that, very study and well constructed piece of hardware. The clock makes timed approaches and holds eaiser, and the fluid movement of the pitch/roll axis make hand flying approaches a lot of fun. However..The unit I recieved is experiencing the same phantom key presses that others have reported. This behaviour is acknowledged by Saitek Support, and they indicate that it only affects some units and are not issuing a full recall. Phantom key presses are quite annoying (i.e. gear coming up on it's own when on a 1/4 mile final). I've tried the "fix" which seems to work for some (using a PCI USB card), to no avail. One very positive note is Amazon's support. I e-mailed just asking if I should work directly through Saitek USA or Amazon for a replacement (as it's a Saitek acknowledged problem), nothing but an e-mailed question. The result was an e-mail from Amazon... Read more |
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