Product Description
Hyper dimension Neptunia mk2 is a sequel to Hyper dimension Neptunia and contains brand new main characters, as well as returning characters, and the gameplay has been updated so as to remove the random encounter feature. New maps and a brand new world feature as well, and the cut scenes have been upgraded to 3D from the old 2D visual novel style cut scenes.
Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 is a sequel to Hyperdimension Neptunia and contains brand new main characters, as well as returning characters, and the gameplay has been updated so as to remove the random encounter feature. New maps and a brand new world feature as well, and the cut scenes have been upgraded to 3D from the old 2D visual novel style cut scenes.

Shops are boarded up, creators are overworked and starving, and death looms over all Gamindustrimen. However, humanity perseveres on!
In years past, the desterted lands of Gamindustri were known as the 'realm of chaos.' Since the advent of ASIC - the Arfoire Syndicate of International Crime-morality has all but vanished. As much as 80 percent of all students are rumored to worship the being known as Arfoire.
Parents, nkowing this is a poor object to worship, went ahad and taught their children to do so. The government turned a bind eye instead of crushing this crisis in its infancy.
Thus, Gamindustri fell into complete and utter disarray. The citizens have come to accept all of the corruption as normal. They take no issue wih acquiring items illegally.
Those who were victims of this mentality became exhausted and were sent to wander the Gamindustri Graveyard forever.
Key Features:
- All new free roaming style system and a combo attack system
- Hilarious story with lots of references to the game industry
- Improved user interface and HUD
- Improved field maps with visual enemy encounter that gives you a better sense of adventuring
- Multiple endings, Over 50 hours of gameplay
- Adorable characters that appeals to hardcore anime fans
- All new free roaming style battle system and a combo attack system
- Hilarious story with lots of references to the game industry
- Improved user interface and HUD
- Improved field maps with visual enemy encounter that gives you a better since of adventuring
- Multiple endings, Over 50 hours of gameplay
Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2 Reviews
Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2 Reviews
26 of 28 people found the following review helpful By Lilin Yager (MA) - See all my reviews = Fun: Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2 (Video Game) Mk2 is certainly a whole lot different from the original, in large part due to its M rating, completely redone battle system, 3D models to replace animated 2D ones during story sequences, more content, more endings, and generally, a lot more stuff.Mk2 can be summed up very quickly to compare to its predecessor, as both are founded on the same premise: A metaphor for the console war between Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo, along with the ever-increasing threat of piracy from Arfoire (get it? R4?). The game was designed to be totally off-the-wall. The original was very entertaining in that the writing was superb, and very funny, constantly jabbing at parts of the video game industry combined with a multitude of breaks with the fourth wall, with the characters essentially knowing they're part of an RPG. You played not really for the fights or even the main story as much as you wanted to see whatever they could come up with next to parody, as they touched on virtually everything... Read more 21 of 23 people found the following review helpful = Fun: Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2 (Video Game) So far I've played roughly 30 hours of this game and I *think* I'm close to some kind of conclusion. Anyway, to give you the gist of it, this game is basically Hyperdimension Neptunia mk1 with literally every single aspect of the game improved.-The somewhat static dialogue artwork has been replaced by animated 3d models. -The music is much more varied and upbeat with strong ties to BG music in a typical upbeat anime series. -The variety of items both useful and cosmetic you can purchase are staggering and they introduced a new item creation system. -The number of characters you can play and control is greatly increased. -The camera control in dungeons and graphics of dungeons and enemies in general are way improved. -The battle system now involves roaming instead of cookie cutter turn based play. Character positioning on the battlefield matters a lot because you can fall victim to AOE or deal out your own AOE damage to groups of enemies... Read more 24 of 30 people found the following review helpful = Fun: Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2 (Video Game) What turned me off from the first Hyperdimension Neptunia was the DLC that gave you access to the other party members you meet in-game. Mk2 immediately rectifies this with a party of, to my understanding, almost 20 characters (with two additional characters that are truly optional DLC, as you aren't pressured to buy them in order to build up a proper team). Believe you me, I still bought the first game for collective purposes; niche games have a tendency to go out of print shortly after their release date. So far, this game hasn't gone out of print, so I have high hopes that this will get into the hands of the people who want it.This isn't a game that is meant for the mainstream audience that is looking for the next Triple-A hit, or something that can supplement them between said hits. As a niche Japanese game that is a parody on the modern video game industry, Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 takes the liberty of going all out in everything it does; whether it be... Read more |
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