Product Description
The bundle includes The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Game, Music CD Soundtrack and Gold Wii Remote Plus w/Triforce Symbol Accessory. The limited-edition gold controller bundle for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword will be offered at a suggested retail price of $69.99. As an additional 25th anniversary treat for fans who purchase the game early, every copy in the initial production, whether sold by itself or as a part of the limited-edition bundle, will come with a free CD featuring select orchestral arrangements of iconic music spanning the history of the franchise which will be performed at The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony Concert performances in October 2011.
- Every copy in the initial production, whether sold by itself or as a part of the limited-edition bundle, will come with a free CD featuring select orchestral arrangements of iconic music
- The bundle includes The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Game, Music CD Soundtrack and Gold Wii Remote Plus w/Triforce Symbol Accessory.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Gold Remote Bundle Reviews
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Gold Remote Bundle Reviews
53 of 61 people found the following review helpful By = Fun: This review is from: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Gold Remote Bundle (Video Game) This game is a prequel to all of the other Zelda games in which we find Link is a trainee knight of Skyloft, a town floating high above the clouds where Zelda is not yet a Princess. This is a unique and original adventure that intentionally tries to break apart from the franchise trend.The sword is Motion-Plus genius in that what you do in real life is exactly mirrored on screen -- in combat there is a perfect 1:1 balance I have not seen in any other wii game. You can wave your sword around while waiting for an opening to strike or just flail it around with perfect precision. Nearly every enemy requires a specific sword technique to defeat it - although there aren't a ton of enemies in this game, each one offers a unique challenge. Each item is quickly enabled with the remote so there is not much pausing to go through menu pages. Aiming with the slingshot or bow is much easier since you are using the wii motion-plus. Occasionally the controls will be... Read more 27 of 30 people found the following review helpful By = Fun: Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Gold Remote Bundle (Video Game) My kids will do anything to play this game. Dishes? Sure, mom. Clean your room? Already done. Practiced the piano early this morning, mom. And vacuumed. In other words, they love it and so do I. My husband has loved every Zelda since the first and this is no exception. And they have a hard time getting me to play too, but I have to admit this game design is FUN! Flying is fun. Swinging a sword using the Wii controller (which is even sensitive to how your wrist is turned!) while targeting/shielding with the nunchuck is FUN! Even the training levels are fun. The story is fun, too. True, the Wii can't compare with HD graphics of the Xbox 360, but that doesn't mean the art is not beautifully rendered. I like that this world is light and bright and fresh-feeling. Nicer than the dark, shadowy feel of the last game.And now for the extras. Can I say the soundtrack CD is amazing!?! I can't believe what effort went into that. Full-on orchestral soundtrack and... Read more 10 of 11 people found the following review helpful By = Fun: This review is from: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Gold Remote Bundle (Video Game) This zelda game in my opinion is one of the best yet.Pros: -fantastic game play -intriguing story -overall a great game -great price for wii motion plus (gold), game, and soundtrack Cons: -not as good graphics as twilight princess |
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