Product Description
Your mission is to challenge-and defeat-all 8 gym leaders, one at a time. As you collect Trainer badges and earn respect among Pokémon and trainers alike, you will travel through deep, dark caves and across vast oceans and plains. Keep your eyes peeled as you go-some Pokémon only show up in certain areas and some come out only at certain times of the day or night. And some Pokémon can only be hatched, so you'll want to match them wisely to ensure that they produce eggs. Defeating gym leaders is not your only challenge. You must also fill up your Pokédex and unravel all the mysteries in the land of Johto.
Pokémon Crystal is to Pokémon Gold and Silver what Pokémon Yellow is to Pokémon Red and Blue. It features several minor upgrades from its predecessors, but in essence it's still the same game. The classic Pokémon formula of adventuring, collecting, and battling is at a series best with Crystal. This is one of the best and most addictive role-playing games for the Game Boy Color.
The most notable feature is the selectable female trainer who has her own set of animations and backgrounds. This is a great option for female Pokémon fans who were previously stuck playing the game as a male character. There are also subtle improvements to the cell phone system, HM moves, and prebattle animations. Rival trainers' phone calls are now more plentiful and pragmatic. HM moves, which are required throughout the game, are available at the push of a button--you'll no longer have to navigate menus to use these moves. Lastly, seeing a Pokémon's new animation makes encountering new creatures more fun than before.
If you haven't played Gold or Silver yet, Crystal is definitely the way to go. If you've played those previous games, Crystal has only enough new features to justify a purchase from Pokémon fanatics. This game is compatible with the link cable, Game Boy printer, and Pokémon Pikachu 2. It's playable on Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance only, and can be played on a television using Pokémon Stadium 2 and a Transfer Pak. --Raymond M. Padilla
- New female trainer
- Prebattle animations are cute
- Lots of subtle improvements
- Too similar to Gold and Silver
- Mobile phone features not in the U.S. version
- New monsters
- the ability to play as a female trainer
- tournament-style combat
- awesome graphics
- two-player action
Pokemon, Crystal Version Reviews
Pokemon, Crystal Version Reviews
81 of 84 people found the following review helpful By Joey (Pittsburgh, PA) - See all my reviews This review is from: Pokemon, Crystal Version (Game Cartridge) I have just recently reserved one for myself. I saw screen shots opf the Japanese version, and it is better than Gold/Silver. For one, when you enter a new route or city, a little box will appear at the bottom of the screen to let you know what city/route you have entered. Also, the legendary dogs/cats, whatever they are, are now seen in the wild. Suicune is the main Pokemon in this game. What I mean by that is, you will see what he lopoks like and Entei and Raikou will appear as they do in G/S. Also, you finally get the G/S Ball. If you take it to Kurt, he'll take it for a day, give it back to you when you go back. When you get it back, you can take it into the Ilex Forest, put it in the Shrine you past by, and have a chance of carching Celebii. There are also a few new items, but, I don't know what they're are called. It also has updated information on the Unown. Also, there are new puzzles you have to figure out in order to catch the 26 Unown. This game is going to be of of the... Read more 256 of 280 people found the following review helpful By "thetriforceprotector" (Rockport, MA United States) - See all my reviews This review is from: Pokemon, Crystal Version (Game Cartridge) 1.The Best thing about this game is the new battle tower in olivine city You can go in pick the other trainers levels of Pokemon and battle them (This is helpful for raising pkmn) if you win you can get rewards like carobs and protein :) 2. in the runes of Alph you have to read the massages on the wall like a book to figure out puzzles. this makes this side quest harder. 3. You will have an easer time catching one of the hardest to find Pokemon Suicune after you battle the wise trio. in tin tower 4. in gold and silver the dragons den is just a hiding place for the dragons fang in crystal you have to pass many quizzes to get the last badge in johto 5. Buena a radio DJ in the radio tower of johto gives out a password every day and you go to her tell the password to her and she gives you points that you can redeem for prizes like nuggets and iron and other great things here is a full list ultra ball is 2 points full restor is 2 points nugget and rare candy are 3 points protein, iron... Read more 34 of 35 people found the following review helpful A Kid's Review This review is from: Pokemon, Crystal Version (Game Cartridge) Crystal is the MUST-HAVE game of the entire year for ANY great Pokemon Trainer. If you are a girl Poke' fan, good news--you can be a girl in this game. I know some people say that you can get Crystalix(Crystal Onyx), but you can't. DON'T LISTEN TO THEM!!!!! THEY ARE TRYING TO CONFUSE YOU!!!!!!!!! Anyway, this game is very much centered around Suicune--even the box has Suicune on it! Your rival REALLY wants to get Suicune, but you need to try and get it first. Just like what Ho-Oh and Lugia were like on the G/S games, Suicune is going to be like that--just standing there--but he WILL move around the world. Also in Crystal, when you are battling, your Pokemon and the enemy Pokemon will be animated. Like with Lugia, for example, he will flap his wings, or blink, or shake his head. That kind of stuff. You will also be able to catch Celebi in the wild, but also like the other games, you can only try ONCE. You get the G/S ball from Prof. Oak, give it to Kurt for a day, then when you get it... Read more |
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