Product Description
The official WWE All STARS BrawlStick controller for the Xbox 360 was designed for wrestling fans to recreate the quality, gameplay and precision found in arcades. Using an arcade-style joystick and 30mm quick connect buttons along with realistic spacing and an eight-button layout, the WWE All STARS BrawlStick brings the arcade experience right into your home. With separate turbo settings for each button and great ergonomics, prepare yourself for hours of competition, no quarters necessary.
- 8-button genuine arcade layout with additional multi-speed Turbo functionality
- Controller lock/unlock switch prevents accidental button presses
- Licensed artwork featuring your favorite WWE All STARS characters
- 3-way switch enables joystick to function as left or right analog stick or D-Pad
- 13 Ft. (4m) Cable and integrated headset port for use with Xbox LIVE
Xbox 360 WWE All Stars Brawl Stick Reviews
Xbox 360 WWE All Stars Brawl Stick Reviews
12 of 13 people found the following review helpful By = Fun: This review is from: Xbox 360 WWE All Stars Brawl Stick (Accessory) This stick is decent for the price, but it certainly has its problems. It's more a matter of getting what you pay for, but I'll get to that later.Certain features work as advertised. The lock/unlock switch is nice, but you have to do some wild mashing to hit that guide button, as it's pretty far removed from the stick and buttons. I've never had to use this feature, but it's nice if you mash it out to a serious degree. I personally haven't used the turbo-function, as using turbo anything is typically frowned upon. The stick is also pretty weighty. They aren't joking when they say that the Brawl stick sports a "heavy metal base." It gives the Brawl stick a very solid feel, and it won't move in your lap during heated, mash-tastic gameplay. My gripe lies with the buttons. I will say that the stock stick is fairly responsive and accurate, but I had problems with the buttons after about a week of normal play. The buttons were responsive and sensitive at first (though... Read more 7 of 7 people found the following review helpful = Fun: This review is from: Xbox 360 WWE All Stars Brawl Stick (Accessory) Okay first a review of the stock controller.Good 1. It's nice and heavy. All around solid feel. 2. 8 button layout. 3. Long quick disconnect cord. 4. Can switch D-pad to Left or Right analog stick. 5. Price. I got this for $31 shipped. 6. Can be easily modded, see below Take or leave 1. Start and Back buttons are not on top, but in the front, slightly recessed. 2. Can lock the panel above stick. If you really want to. 3. Has turbo, if you're into that stuff. 4. Can plug in your XBL headset, but you need to use included cheesy adapter. Hard to switch between controllers. Why not just make it like the stock controllers? Bad 1. Buttons feel mushy. Feels like there's a cushion of air underneath them. I did not use them long because I hear they have a high failure rate. They are plenty sensitive right out the box though. 2. Stick is low quality. Although it has a solid feel, it's hard to get it to... Read more = Fun: Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Xbox 360 WWE All Stars Brawl Stick (Accessory) Think of this as less of a controller and more of a kit - ideally, you're picking this up because you're looking at the joystick modding scene and someone recommended this to you as a good platform for mods. I'll say it's great for a lot of that, especially as you have something workable while you gather up your parts, though it has a few caveats.To keep this subsidized (ideally, you're also picking the stick up during a sale, and if not I'd suggest waiting for one) Mad Catz has to at least PRETEND to keep people from hacking it up. For joystick mods, you will have to break off some glue they used to secure the plate and connector. You'll likely have to buy adapter plates if you're using Seimitsu sticks, and you'll need a crash course in rewiring if you get one that takes quick disconnects instead of the 5-pin molex jack. You will likely need a lot of goo gone and patience if you want to change the panel art, and the bent panel means you don't get the luxury of doing an... Read more |
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