Product Description
Kinect for Xbox 360 brings games and entertainment to life in extraordinary new ways with no controller required. Simply step in front of the sensor and Kinect recognizes you and responds to your gestures. Connecting in a whole new way is as easy as a wave of your hand. Kinect removes the last barrier between you and the experiences you love. Best of all, Kinect works with every Xbox 360 console.
- Easily hook up with friends with Video Kinect, no headset required.
- Sign into your profile by just stepping in front of the sensor
- Kinect games give you the freedom to jump, duck, and spin your way through a unique adventure.
- Kinect uses cutting-edge technology to provide a whole new way to play
- Kinect Adventures game
Kinect Sensor with Kinect Adventures! Reviews
Kinect Sensor with Kinect Adventures! Reviews
1,030 of 1,110 people found the following review helpful By = Fun: This review is from: Kinect Sensor with Kinect Adventures! (Video Game) Thank you for reading my review and I hope it helps you get off the fence on this great item.Being an owner of roughly every console since the Atari 2600 (yes I'm in my late 30's) I could not help but give my review of this system and a couple of games we picked up along with the Kinect system. I remember standing at a best buy for hours before buying the WII on launch day. It was a fresh concept with a new direction and revolutionary in what it did and how it did it. We enjoyed it but with the lack of strong first person titles it got old. But because it was revolutionary it endured and was a smash success despite it's lack of many quality games (yes it had great experiences) but not deep gameplay (though Twighlight Princess was a great game and showed the potential of the system) Here we are about 4 years later and with only minor exceptions the WII has found success by catering to children and the casual crowd along with providing some excellant fitness type concepts. I... Read more 475 of 526 people found the following review helpful By = Fun: This review is from: Kinect Sensor with Kinect Adventures! (Video Game) This is mostly a duplicate review from my Xbox360+Kinect Bundle review...I only found out about Kinect a couple of weeks ago. After reading some of the preliminary reviews, I was intrigued enough that I pre-ordered it almost immediately. Since first finding out about it, I have read as many reviews as I have had time to read. Unfortunately, the more I read the more leery I got about my pre-order. Most of the reviews complained about lag, or the space requirement, or that the games were nothing more than regurgitated Wii games, and how every game title ever developed wasn't re-developed for Kinect on launch day. WTF? Setting up Kinect was a breeze. Plug and play. A few setup items and you're ready to go. We moved the coffee table out of the way and moved the couch back a couple of feet to get the 6-8 foot distance recommeded in the documentation. But I don't think you need that much space, honestly. For some of the games, we were as close as 3-4... Read more 194 of 219 people found the following review helpful = Fun: Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Kinect Sensor with Kinect Adventures! (Video Game) First off, I have a hard and fast rule - never buy first generation equipment, especially from Microsoft, and especially when it's brand new technology. However, rules are made to be broken, right? :)My boyfriend's birthday is today, and he really wanted the Kinect for his birthday - it was a sign that it was released the day before his birthday, right? :) So, like a good girlfriend (and fellow gadget addict), I ordered it from Amazon for him and it was waiting for us yesterday when we got home from work. Props to Amazon for flawless release date delivery! He had it set up before I got home and reported that the setup was very simple. What took the most time was re-configuring the furniture and figuring out the best place to put the sensor. We have the 360S, so the device was plug and play. We tried the Kinect Sports and Your Shape games, we also have the Adventures game that came with, and I plan on getting the Dance Central game as well... Read more |
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